Thursday, October 27, 2011

3 Months


Wow.  I can't believe our little Boo Boo Bear is 3 months old already!  Time really does fly.  What to say about Felix....well for starters he slept 7.5 hours straight two nights ago and 7 hours last night. STRAIGHT!  This is amazing.  He went from giving us one 4-5 hour stretch to this wonderful bliss.  I'm afraid it's a fluke, but who knows.  I guess we'll see.  The bad part about him sleeping so much is that he was still asleep when I left for work.  That made me very sad because I didn't get to nurse him before I left.  I try to get to work at 7 so I can leave at 4.  No more OT for me!  I would have stuck around in the morning, but who knew when he was going to wake up.  Of course, he woke up right after I left.  :-(  I really love nursing Felix, I am already dreading the day I have to wean him.  Or he has to wean me, I should say.  It is just so beautiful to watch him and have those snuggles that are all mine.  Growing him in my womb and giving him life was amazing, but I think being able to sustain him and watch him grow from the food that only I can supply is even better.

Felix is just amazing and is really starting to show his personality.  He is happiest in the mornings (he definitely does not get this from his father).  He will give us lots and lots of smiles and coos then.  Sammer gets up with him  during the week, which is a lot earlier than his usual wake up time, and gets to spend some quality Daddy/Felix time.  He says he doesn't mind getting up early.  I have a feeling this is probably the highlight of his day.  :-)  I love that they get this bonding time together.  Sammer loves his little boy so much, and I love watching them together.  They have their own little routine where Sammer feeds and changes him, they play a little, and he "watches" Sammer get ready for work.  It should also be noted that Sammer is an amazing husband and gets up with Felix at least one day on the weekend so that I can sleep in a little.  Have I said lately how much I love that man?

So Felix is smiling a lot, I think his favorite thing is getting his diaper changed.  He will smile, smile, smile during and after.  There is a little jacket hanging above the changing table and he loves looking at it, he even reached for it this morning.  He seems to be getting more comfortable in the bath.  He's always kind of liked it but now he just looks more at ease and less tense.  We have yet to get a smile during bath time, but I know it is coming soon.  I was so close to getting one tonight.  We can tell that he is trying to talk so hard but only gets out a sound every once in a while.  It's adorable, of course.  The same thing can be said for reaching for/grabbing toys.  He is thinking so hard about it but doesn't actually get his hand up there very often.  He did grab the rattle last week when my parents were here though, that was so cool!  He sits in the bumbo every few days but he can't hold his head up for too long so he doesn't stay there much.

Poor Elvia was initiated with not only one but two big poops.  I can't believe he pooped (big!) twice in one week.  Yesterday it was all over both of them, Elvia was cleaning herself off when I came home.  I should have known it was coming, he was letting out some major man sized toots when I left him in the morning.  Good thing he is so cute!

We don't have another doc appointment until 4 months so I don't have any stats to share this month.  Rest assured that he is growing like a weed and getting cuter every day!  Here is a link to his 3rd month in pictures.  I am particularly partial to the pictures in the froggie pajamas.  Seriously cute.  Check out the difference between the first and last pictures. 

Felix's likes are smiling at Mommy and Daddy, diaper changes, the octopus on his play mat, the baby in the mirror (oh yeah!  He is starting to notice himself in the mirror and it is just precious!), snuggling of course, standing on us and stretching his legs, watching the fishies (this is sometimes the only thing that will calm him down - thanks to Nannie for figuring that one out) and sucking on his fists, particularly the left one.  Oh and drooling.  He drools like a champ!  He also likes hanging out with his buddies Quinn, Amelia, and Sophie.  Ok, Mommy likes hanging out with their mommies.  :-)  We all met up with them and their daddies at the NXNW Oktoberfest last weekend, it was a lot of fun and aside from the car ride Felix was a dream!

Carolyn & Amelia, Anne & Sophie, Lauren & Quinn, Mommy & Felix

The car seat is really his only dislike.  There are two very long 8 hour (at least) road trips in our near future so I really hope he starts disliking it a little less soon.  Sammer finally experienced a meltdown of epic proportions the other day and I think he now realizes that I wasn't lying all of this time.  I wish I had been, I hate it when he is sad.  He has even begun arching his back when I start putting him in the seat.  :-(  Elvia took him for a long walk in it the other day so maybe things are looking up!

Felix is 3 months old, and as precious as ever.

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