Monday, January 16, 2012


Right now I have a sick husband and a sick baby on my hands (and my throat is getting sore, I know I'm next).  It's pretty miserable around here.  But between my moments of, "I don't like my boys being sad, for the love of God, please let Felix sleep in his bed for just an hour tonight, and woe is me," all I can think is how blessed I am. 

Blessed to have a baby.  Not everyone has that, and for a while we weren't sure if we would ever have that. 

Blessed to be able to breastfeed my baby.  I know it's not for everyone, but it was, and is, very important to me to breastfeed Felix.  Not only can I breastfeed him, I have so far been blessed with a wonderful supply of breastmilk.  It was very tough at first, but we persevered and made it.

Blessed that Felix will take a bottle.  There are three girls on a message board that I frequent whose babies will not take a bottle while they are at work.  Naturally, they are worried sick about their babies. 

Blessed that we have a little cuddlebug.  I was so worried that our baby wouldn't want to snuggle.  Ha!  Although sometimes I could really use a decent night's sleep where I can move positions and don't wake up every 10 minutes or so because there is a little cuddlebug next to me. 

Blessed that our son did not have colic.  He does wake during the night still, but he is almost always happy when he does (provided there is food, of course).  I have to admit, it is nice to get those snuggles from him in the middle of the night.  When he sleeps in his crib, that is.

Blessed to have a husband who happily helps with the housework and baby caring.  We give Felix a bath together every single night and it is definitely a highlight of my day. 

Blessed that we have good jobs with understanding bosses.  I will probably be working from home again, as Felix is still sick.

Blessed to have two babysitters who love Felix very much.  Felix got sick on Thursday when Mati was here.  She called on Friday to check on him and make sure he was OK.  I often come home to see Elvia loving on Felix and giving him smooches.  Sammer said he lights up when he sees her in the morning.

So, as much as I would love to be able to sleep with just one other person in the bed all night, and as much as I would love to stay home with Felix, right now I am just thankful to be so blessed.

Felix is 24 weeks, 5 days old (5 1/2 months)