Well the day came and I went back to work on Thursday, October 20th. It wasn't so bad, not as bad as I was expecting anyway. That's because my sister was here and she watched him for the first two days. That made me feel very at ease, I knew I could call her 100, OK 1,000, times and she wouldn't care and wouldn't think I was (too) crazy. It was really special that Sissy watched Felix. Seeing her with Felix just made my heart happy. I love to see how much our families love him.
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We interrupt this blog for a cute little froggie. Are these not the cutest pajamas ever? |
The first day of work actually wasn't that bad, I'm sure because Sissy was here. Felix decided that he didn't want to sleep Wednesday or Thursday night though, so that sucked. I essentially got 45 minutes of sleep on Wednesday and 1 1/2 hours on Thursday. Fantastic. I think he knew I was going back to work because he just wanted to be held. Back to work...it was kind of nice to use my brain for something other than trying to figure out how to make Felix sleep or poop. Plus I didn't do a whole lot. I pumped about an hour after getting there, then visited, then went to the benefits fair, then visited, pumped, had lunch, deleted some of the 14,899 emails that I received while out (no exaggeration), pumped, and went home. Of course, I got there as early as possible so that I could leave as early as possible. I was fine until I drove into our neighborhood. I think I was just overwhelmed by the thought of seeing him soon. There are a couple of pluses about going back to work. 1) It is easier to organize life with Outlook at my fingertips, easier to run errands and "research" on the internet, and 2) I can drive with the windows down and the radio up. That is a glorious luxury that I have missed since Mr. Felix came along.
Today was the first day that the nanny, Elvia, came. I was a little more nervous today. Of course everything went just fine. Elvia came before Sammer left for work and he said everything was peachy when he left. Then he came home for lunch and Felix was fine until he picked him up, then he started crying. It didn't last long though. Felix initiated Elvia with a good poop. Poor lady. He only poops once a week and she got it. I knew he would poop today, the toots and spit up have been coming on strong the last couple of days. I have been sleeping with a little bunny lovey so that Felix could be comforted by my smell when I wasn't around. Elvia said that he loved it. I hope so, because when I came home it was on his face while he was sleeping in the bouncy chair. hmm...we will have a chat about that in the morning.
I am working from home on Tuesday and Thursday this week, just to ease back into it all. It will be interesting being here while someone else (not named Sammer) is taking care of him. I'm afraid we may have another night like Wednesday or Thursday...Felix will not sleep. He went down about 9:00 and woke up 30 minutes later. It's now almost 10:30 and we cannot get him back down. He needs and wants to be swaddled, but he is fighting it because he wants his hands to munch on. Well, his arms flail and wake him up. Should be a fun night! Here are some pictures to help us get through it.
First time in the bumbo |
Super happy baby! |
Last day at home together |
Felix is 12 weeks, 5 days old (Do I have to start saying this in months? If so, he is 2 months, 4 weeks and 5 days old. That's not much better.)
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