Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oh, and a big, fat DUH.

Felix is sleeping in his crib at night!  He has been napping in there off and on for a few weeks but Sunday night was the first night in the crib.  It's funny, he looks like Andre the Giant in the bassinet but a little bitty munchkin in the crib.  Even though the crib is exactly 11 steps from our bed, I still use the monitor.  Sammer thinks this is silly but I'm so afraid that I won't hear him cry for some reason.  I'm sure we'll be able to ditch it soon, but I really don't care about being overly cautious right now. 

I miss having him in our room, but at the same time it is really nice to have our space back.  Now we don't have to worry so much about getting ready for bed or leaving the lights on to read, or the loudness of toons on the laptop.  I guess this means he is growing up though.  SOB.  He is really getting big, more on that in a couple of days.  He is almost 3 months old, ya know. 

He took to the crib just fine, I think.  No problems at all on Sunday night.  Last night he was a little difficult to get to sleep.  That started from the beginning of bedtime though, so not sure it is crib related.  It could be separation related since yesterday was the first day with the nanny.  Who knows.  He finally went down at 9:00, which really isn't too unusual, then up at 9:30, we thought down at 10:00 but really he didn't go down for real until 11:00.  The silver lining?  He only woke up once, at 3am, then he was up for the day at 6:45. 

I am working from home today and Thursday.  It's so hard to hear him cry in another room without going in there.  He wasn't even really crying, just fussing because he was hungry.  But, Elvia is great.  He seems to really like her so that is good.  I notice that she doesn't have to hold him all of the time like we sometimes do.  Hmm. 

I can't say goodbye without a picture.  Here he is in the awesome outfit that our friend Katie made for him.

 Felix is 12 weeks, 6 days old.

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