Poor baby, we (the nurse, Sammer and I) think he has a cold. He is super sniffly, runny nose, sneezing and coughing. It started day before yesterday, he had a runny nose at night and a sort of tough time sleeping. You could tell he didn't feel good and it's like his nose would drain and that would make him cough when he was lying down. Yesterday it got a lot worse so I called the pediatrician. There really isn't anything they can do, it just has to run the course. The nurse told me to get some saline to spray in his nose before using the aspirator. His nose is pretty runny and he's sneezing more. Last night Sammer stayed up with him until about 1:00 while he slept in the Snuggle Lamb (thanks, Mike and Jenn!). Then I fed him and stayed up with him until about 3:00. I decided I probably needed to get some sleep so I could be on top of my game to take care of him today. He woke up about 4:30 and I fed him and held him for another hour. I got a little weepy and every time I would sniffle it would wake him up, so back to bed we went. He slept until 8:00! That is unreal, folks. Usually he would have gotten up once, maybe twice by 8:00. He was up for about an hour or so and is sleeping again. He has lots and lots of snot coming out. That's good, but I'm sure he's making more as we speak. His temp was 99.8, getting close to calling the pedi time again. Poor baby, I just hate this for him.
The good thing is he seems pretty happy. He's given me lots of smiles and laughs today, between the sadness of having his nose sucked for the umpteenth time. He doesn't hate it too much, he's a good sport, but he lets me know when we're done with it. We're having a pajama day and I've read him lots of stories and shared lots of cuddles. It just breaks my heart that he doesn't feel good. I thought I knew what love was when I fell in love with Sammer, and don't get me wrong, I love him more than anything. But Felix...wow, the love just jumps to a whole new level with your child. There is nothing that would stop me from taking care of him, providing for him, being with him, doing anything for him. Earthquake? No. Tsunami? No. Nuclear war? No way, Jose. He is my baby. I would sell all of my possessions and live in a cardboard box if I had to. And I know Sammer would do the same. We love our little Boo Boo more than we ever could have imagined.
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Extreeeeme close up! |
This is my last week of maternity leave, I go back to work next Thursday. BOO!!! We're trying to make the most of it...Monday we met Lauren, Quinn, Carolyn, and Amelia for a walk in Hyde Park (which was lovely), yesterday we went to Baby Day at the Alamo with Lauren and Quinn and saw 50/50. (Oh, and let me just tell you that Mr. Felix did not make a peep in the car all the way up to the Lakeline Alamo! That is FAR people! He slept in the sling through the entire movie, cried a little on the way out of the parking lot and then fell asleep for the ride home. Oh my gosh, it was heaven! Last time we went somewhere, he got so upset he made himself sick and puked on the car seat.) Today we were heading for yoga but looks like only snuggles in our future instead. In the movie, the main character has cancer (with a 50/50 chance of surviving). He isn't close to his mother because she is a little coo-koo and overbearing. Of course when it comes down to surgery time, she is there for him and he is grateful. She meets his therapist and immediately says, "I want you to know I smother him because I love him." I know I will continue to smother Felix, I just hope I can find that right balance of smothering and giving him freedom when he gets older. Right now, of course it is my job to smother him. And I love every minute of it.
Felix is 11 weeks old today (2 months and 15 days)
PS - Today is Daddy's birthday, as well as Felix's cousin Robert's birthday. Happy Birthday to Daddy and Robert!!
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