Thursday, November 3, 2011

An update on all things Brammerlix

Did you like how I just updated our name?  Let's see, what's been going on in our world.  Well, after the two glorious days of 7+ hour sleep stretches, there was a major regression.  Mr. Felix refused to be put down.  He would be sleeping for an hour and we'd go to lay him in his crib (or anywhere) and WAH!!!  This lasted for three days.  Three long, grueling, exhausting days.  Being the sweetheart that he is, on Sunday night he finally let us put him down and went back to giving us a good 4 hour or so stretch.  I would love to have our 5+ hour stretches back, but anything is an improvement over the last weekend.  I even scratched another "I'll never" off of my list - I brought him into the bed with me.  We were in the guest room and I just needed to lay down.  I was so afraid of falling asleep while holding him in the glider and he would fall or something.  (My first "I'll never" broken was putting him to sleep in our room.  I was so naive before he was born.)

Monday was Halloween and Felix went as his alternate persona, SuperBaby.  I wasn't going to dress him up b/c I figured everything would be too hot or annoying for him.  But of course, as the day got closer I really just had to have something for him.  I found this "costume" at Old Navy on Friday night after work.  It's a little small for him, but the 3-6 month size was HUGE.  He is right in the middle of the size ranges - 0-3 months is 7-12 lbs and 3-6 months is 12-19 lbs.  He is about 12 lbs.  Anyway, he rocked the costume. 

 Isn't he adorable?  The back of the costume had a little cape painted on it, I will have to find a picture of it.  We went up to my work for the Trail of Treats.  Let's face it, I really just wanted to spend time with him and show him off.  It's not like he was getting any candy or anything.  There was another awesome meltdown on the way home.  I stopped in the parking lot of Chinatown and nursed him for about 20 minutes, until he fell asleep.  As soon as I pull onto the Mopac access road, WAAAAAH!  Poor baby.  Mopac was especially parking lot-like that day, too.  My gosh, it was just awful.  He pretty much passed out as soon as I picked him up out of the car seat.

What else is new...there is a different person who watches him on Thursday, Matilde.  Today she said that he grew a lot since she saw him last.  Maybe this is why his sleep was so whacked out last week.  Felix will smile at me when I come up to him after work and that just makes my whole day.  He will let me hold/play with him for about 5 minutes before he has worked his way down to the breast.  He's never hungry, but he always wants to nurse as soon as I get home.  It's very sweet, he misses Mama and this is how we snuggle.  Oh, I love him so much.  I am doing the "take one look at him and cry because I love him so much" thing again.  He is just the most precious thing in the world to Sammer and me. 

He is smiling a ton and we think he may have found his feet.  He's getting better and reaching for things but still isn't doing it a whole lot first.  We can see the wheels turning but he's just not there yet.  Since we received the big rainfall last month there have been a plethora of mosquitoes around.  Even in our house.  Boo Boo has a lot of mosquito bites and it is breaking my heart.  3 on his face and 3 more on his tiny little foot!  This is where Mommy goes "WAH". 

Felix is 3 months, 1 week old

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