Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Four Months and a Year Ago

Wow, I cannot believe Mr. Felix is four months old.  This week marks one year since we found out that our lives were going to change forever.  After 16 months, I finally got a positive pregnancy test on the Monday morning after Thanksgiving.  I didn't trust it, of course, so off to Randall's I went at 6:00 in the morning to buy a digital test.  I also bought some mousse, you know, just so I didn't seem totally desperate.  It was like buying tampons when I was 17 all over again.  Anyway, I woke up Sammer, we both cried, and I made a doctor's appointment for later that week.  My regular doctor was out for the rest of the year so I had to see her partner.  Now, my (now previous) doctor wasn't the warmest of women, but I liked her.  Her partner made her look like Miss Warm and Fuzzy.  She didn't know my history so she, rather coldly, blurted out that the test I took at the office was negative.  "Oh, but it's probably just the batch of tests.  Another girl ot a negative last week and turned out she was pregnant."  Yeah, not making me feel better lady.  I immediately went to have my blood drawn and completely broke down on the poor lady who took my blood when she said the doctor didn't order a "stat" so I wouldn't be getting the results until the next day.  She was so sweet, I felt bad.  I started laughing and of course it sounded like I was getting hysterical.  I would see this lady 4 more times over the next couple of weeks, we became semi-friends.  Wow, I remember this all so vividly, like it was yesterday.  Sammer and I wanted a baby so, so badly and it had taken so long for us.  It seemed like everyone else was getting pregnant just by looking at a baby.  Last Fall alone, I had twelve (12!!!) friends who were pregnant at one time.  Anyway, I called Sissy on the way home from work and broke down on her in the HEB parking lot.  Yada, yada, yada....Felix is here, all is happy, enough of this story.  On to the greatness of King Felix!

It seems like the difference between three and four months is the biggest one yet.  Felix smiles so much now.  He babbles a lot.  He grabs for his toys and puts everything (EVERYTHING) into his mouth.  He loves, loves, loves sucking on his little paws.  He is actually kind of on a bit of a schedule.  He goes to bed at 7:15 and gets up between 5:00 and 6:00, much to Sammer's chagrin.  He used to wake up about 6:30, but then Daylight Savings came along.  Curse you DST!  His limit for being awake is two hours.  He will always take a nap two hours after waking up in the morning and is good for 1 1/2 - 2 hours during the day.  I come home from work at 4:00, nurse him and let him nap on me for a bit.  It doesn't matter if he wakes up at 5:00 or 6:30, at 7:15 he is out.  We asked the doctor about his naps and awake time, supposedly he should be awake for 3-4 hours at a time.  Felix naps for only 30-45 minutes, sometimes longer but that rarely happens.  Doc says that's fine and that it sounds like we have a social baby.  He is sleeping about 3-4 hours total during the day and 10 or so at night.  He still wakes up at least twice during the night.  I don't really mind, it's nice to snuggle with him, but I wouldn't turn down extra sleep if it was offered.  :-)  He wakes up anytime between midnight and 2am, then again 3 hours later or at 4:30, whichever comes first, then up again about 5:30.  When he wakes up at night, as soon as he sees me he is all smiles and wants to play.  Between me and Sammer, it makes sense that we would have a snuggling social butterfly on our hands.  :-)

Felix just took his first road trip!  We went to Baton Rouge for Thanksgiving.  The ride there took 11 hours, but a lot of that was because of traffic.  We stopped just past Lafayette and ran into a full on traffic stop.  We took an alternate route, where we again ran into another traffic stop.  Awesome.  Felix slept for the last hour and a half, so we totally could have made it to Baton Rouge, but instead with the runaround he woke up about 20 minutes before reaching our destination.  It was a wonderful holiday, Felix got to be loved on by his Maw Maw and Paw Paw, and met his Aunt Sammie for the first time.  I think he had a great time!  It was fun seeing how much he is loved by his family that doesn't get to see him everyday.

Now for the big four month stats:

15lb 4oz, 50th percentile
25 inches long, 50-75th percentile
75-90th percentile (for his big brain, just like Daddy's!)

Here is another link to Felix's fourth month of life in pictures.

Well, I never got around to finishing this post and Felix is now almost 5 months old.  So we'll call it a day and have another post in a few days. :-)

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