Thursday, August 7, 2008

Vamos a la Playa!

Tomorrow morning we are headed to the beach for a couple of weeks. We won't have free internet, so I'm not sure how much we'll be able to post until Monday, the 18th, when we head to Puerto Escondido.

This week has been busy. On Monday, we went on a tour to El Tule (the widest tree in the world, it is 2000 years old), Teotitlan (the village where they make rugs), Mitla (Mixtec ruins), Hierve el Agua (a spring of mineral water 9000 ft up in the mountains, this was the coolest part), and last but not least, a Mezcal distillery (it was VERY stinky).

Tuesday, we took the 2nd class bus up to a town in the mountains, Cuajimoloyas, and hiked for a few hours. This is quite a story that we promise to tell soon. This day definitely deserves it's own post.

Wednesday we ended up doing very little except walking around the city looking for a bus or collectivo to take us to Monte Alban (more ruins). Never found anything so we went to the bus station to buy our tickets for the ride tomorrow.

Today, we went to Zaachila, another village just west of the city, with Carlos. Thursday is their market day so we checked that out and then headed to a restaurant for lunch. Sammer will have a lot to say about that was fun.

So here we are...about to sign off from the interwebs for the next few days at least. We are definitely looking forward to the beach, but not the 10 hour bus ride! If we are going to finish our "loafer's manifesto", we need to get to loafing a little more (right, Drew?)! :-)

There are a couple of newer postings below, and check out the new pictures, we actually put comments on them this time.


Jonathan Q. Weldon said...

So tell me how was Hierve el Agua??? I remember trying to talk you into it so I'm glad you ended up going!

Unknown said...

Hey Sis Hope you guys are having a good time. It sure looks like you are. Miss you though. Still thinking about buying your car for Robert. Let me know details, like air bags! (Ha!)