Picnic with our boy Carlos and familia. We went to a little countryside spot about 30 minutes from town near a little river. It was a farming area and very beautiful. It was Carlos' sister-in law's birthday. They were very nice people. His little nephew had an Austin shirt on which just blew Brooke and I's mind, so now he is our poster boy.
Hamburgesas and Tlayudas (corn empanadas) where on the menu and they were great. Afterwards Carlos made some balloon toys for the kiddos
(he used to work at the Mexican Chuck-E-Cheeezes) which they freakin' loved. They were all very adorable. Two were named Diana (Dee-awna) and Camila (Kah-mee-lah)
Afterwards I went to hit the volleyball around with Carlos and his son and sister
While Brooke played with the kiddos.
Brooke says...First we were "stabbing" each other with our balloon swords (only mine was a flower), then we moved on to another game that I like to call "Hug the Guera" (hug the white girl). The oldest girl kept would count to 10 (in English), then she kept saying "castigo". I have no idea what this meant but whoever had the balloon on 10 had to hug someone, and it was always me. It was fun to me, but then later she made them start doing push ups on 10. hmm...I asked Carlos what castigo means and he said it was like a punishment. Ok, so hugging is in the same vein as push ups? Whatever, it was fun.
Afterwards we went to this cool old church nearby in Cuilapam (Kwee-lah-palm).
It was never finished, but it was stunning and had great views of the countryside from the top.
There was a huge swarm of bees inside so we took that as a sign to leave. As we left the strangest thing happened. All kind of people were coming into the courtyard, there were fireworks and it looked like a parade and a fiesta was about to start. Shocking huh?
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