Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sleep and Other Stuff

Last night Sammer and I were the recipients of a 6 hour block of sleep.  Yes, 6 whole hours!!!!  Felix fell asleep on Daddy at about 9:30 and Sammer put him down about 10:00.  He did wake up around midnight, but was just a little fussy (gassy, I'm sure).  Sammer soothed him and he was out until 3:30.  Wow, it was amazing.  Of course, he woke up again at 5:45 and 8:00, but whatever.  We got 6 hours of sleep last night! Woo-hoo!

When I was pregnant, I was fortunate to meet some very nice gals in my prenatal yoga class.  We've met up with these girls and their sweet little ones a couple of times to walk at the mall.  The babies were all born within two weeks of each other, so we're all going through the same fun things at the same time.  I hate that they are going through the same things as us, but iIt is SO NICE to know that we aren't alone.  Felix isn't the only gassy baby in the whole world.  Who knew?!?  Everything I read says that 6-8 weeks are the height of the fussy/gassy stage.  He started at 5 weeks and will be 8 weeks tomorrow, so things better start looking up!

We went to Whole Foods this morning and he was very good.  Of course as soon as we stepped in the store and I was grabbing apples, he let out a big scream and started crying.  I know he wasn't hungry because I had just stuffed him with milk in the car. This is the only way to get him to calm down in the car seat lately.  I picked him up and he was fine.  I forgot my sling at home so I just carried him around the store.  It was kind of fun, I love snuggling with him.  We're hitting up HEB tomorrow and I will definitely remember the sling for that. We're also going to try out postnatal yoga tomorrow.  I am sick of sitting in the house and the weather is starting to get so nice (we have the windows open right now!) that I am bound and determined to get out of the house.  We cannot sit inside any longer! 

You know, I say that he is fussy a lot, but really he is a good baby.  I just get sad and frustrated when he is upset and I can't help him.  Plus, the sleep deprivation is not fun.  Look at this, how sweet is he?  Can I stay here forever?

While we're at it, here is a smile and some baby feet.


I don't know how to get those pictures side by side.  One day I might figure it out. 

Felix is 7 weeks, 6 days old

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