Excuse the blurry photo, he doesn't yet get the "please be still and look at Mommy" command. |
Happy 2 Month Birthday, Felix! As I read the last post, I kind of chuckled. I think everyone was right, 6-8 weeks was the peak. I never thought he would have awake time where he was actually happy. Now he is much, much "better" (not that he was ever bad, but he is less fussy) and his tummy troubles have just about completely disappeared. It is absolutely wonderful. I do wish that he would nap longer than 30 minutes when not in the sling, but beggars can't be choosers, right?
This has been a big week for Felix. On Monday, we went to the mall and I got to walk around for about 45 minutes without any breakdowns. This made for a very happy mommy. I really, really miss exercising. If not for his extreme distaste for the car seat and the 100 degree temps, we'd be walking around the hood everyday. Tuesday we met our friends Lauren and Quinn for Baby Day at the Alamo. What a treat! We saw "I Don't Know How She Does It," which was good, and Quinn and Felix were dreams. The theater was pretty empty and other babies cried, too. Felix spent the entire time in the sling, with the exception of the first 10 minutes where he had a little snack. He let out a few cries every once in a while, but quickly quieted down when I got up and walked around. I had left the car seat in the car because he was having an epic meltdown when we got there so I just put him right in the sling. Well, of course it's still 400 degrees here so in the middle of the movie I went to the car to get the seat so it wouldn't be hot. That's right, I walked around the Alamo and outside to my car while wearing My Brest Friend. I love that thing. I don't know how I will part with it when I have to go back to work.
Yesterday we had his two month appointment and he got shots. pee pee, doo doo!! I know it is good for him and this little setback is way, WAY better than getting any of these illnesses, but the last day and a half have been rough. He got two pricks and a vaccine by mouth. I nursed him through the shots and he did so well. There was some bottom lip action, which killed me, and he turned bright purple and let out a scream, but really I think I cried more than he did (and that goes for the whole day, I was a complete wreck). He promptly fell asleep and slept until we got home (thank goodness). I nursed him and then he took an hour and a half nap. This was not the 3 hour nap I was promised by everyone, but it was 3 times longer than his usual morning nap so I'll take it. Then all hell broke loose. He was F-U-S-S-Y. His poor little leg was so swollen (and still is) and he had a fever. I nursed him and while this usually calms him down and makes everything right in his world, it was not working. He was crying, horrible, horrible tears (actual real tears!!! Oh my gosh!!) and I could tell it was definitely an "I am in pain, what the hell have you done to me" cry. Oh my goodness. He had a fever so I gave him some Tylenol. Thirty minutes later he was out. He slept most of the day, in my arms of course. I was not letting him go, he needed lots of snuggles after that traumatizing day. Wow, it is just about the most awful thing ever when your baby is hurting. Totally heartbreaking. Daddy came home a little early and took over in the snuggle department. Felix got two more doses of Tylenol throughout the night for his fever and he seems to be much better today. Still clingy with a swollen leg and a little warm, but we actually got to play today and he smiled at me many times. :-) He also had a massive poop today, which makes me almost as happy as when he smiles. He was grunting around and tooting up a storm this morning so I figured it was coming.
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His poor little leg was so swollen |
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Look what I found on my belly after our 3 hour snuggle session. That is My Brest Friend at the bottom of the picture. |
It feels like he is trying to get on a schedule, at least at night. We bathe him at 7:00 or so and he is out by 8:30 or 9:00. He'll sleep until sometime in the 1:00 hour, then wake up around 3:30 and again around 5:30. This stinks because I pump after the 3:30 feeding so by the time I get to bed, I get about 30 minutes of sleep. Not cool. Last night he only woke up at 1:45 and 5:45. Let's hope this is a trend that stays! It is getting tougher to get him back to sleep after eating at night which I do not like. He will eat for about 45 minutes at the first waking then it takes him at least that long to go back to sleep (even though he was just fast asleep at the breast). The next feeding will take about 10-15 minutes and he goes down better this time, then he's up again in about an hour or so. Lately he's woken up about 6:30 or 7 and just wants to be rocked and held. I love rocking and holding him, but it would be super nice if he'd push that waking back an hour. Mommy needs sleep!
Here are his 2 month stats:
11 lb 13 oz (25-50%)
23 inches long (50%)
39.4 cm head circumference (50-75%)
Of course the doctor says he is absolutely perfect. Duh. Felix has graduated from the "stork entrance" for newborns and infants so the next time we go back we have to go in through the big boy door like everyone else. We don't go again until his 4 month check up. I couldn't make it one month without seeing the doctor, I don't know how I'm going to make it two!
His likes right now are eating, snuggling with Mommy in the sling, cuddles with Daddy, his pediatrician Dr. Owens, the turtle friends hanging above the changing table, kicking his legs, his music cube, Polly the Peacock, and the porch swing (looooves this!). Every time we go to the doctor's office he is a perfect angel. Not that he isn't an angel all other times, but I mean he is p-e-r-f-e-c-t. Whatever was wrong with him suddenly disappears. Yesterday he didn't even make a peep on the way there. This is unreal!! I am going to tell him we're going to visit Dr. Owens every time we get in the car. He is starting to smile and coo more. It's hard to tell if he is really smiling at us, but we'll just pretend like he is. I think he is. Here is his first smile. Daddy was playing with him on the bed one Sunday morning and he just started smiling, it was precious!
His dislikes are the car seat, naps longer than 30 minutes unless he is in the sling, and waking up from naps. And being put down. Sometimes he really does not want to be put down. We wanted a snuggler and boy did we get one! That's OK though, there are plenty of snuggles to go around in this family.
Felix is 9 weeks and 1 day old (or 2 months and 2 days)