Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Stats

Alright, we are going to keep up with this blog if it kills us. I can't say that I'll try, but I'll try to try and post at least a couple times a week. Here are Felix's stats so far:

6lb 14oz
20in long and gorgeous

7lb 3 oz (50%)
20 1/4in, and still perfect (25%)
35 1/2 cm head circumference (50%)

8lb 10oz (50-75%)
21 1/2in and beefcake! (25-50%)
37 1/2cm head circumference (50-75%...will he have a big head like Daddy?)

Between birth and 2 weeks, he was gaining weight a little too slowly and was a tiny bit jaundiced. We had to wake him every 3 hours to eat (exhausting!) and give him bottles of expressed breast milk after nursing. Turns out, I am snuggly and he likes to snooze when near me. He's getting better at staying awake now but we are still giving him bottles after nursing. He's taking less and less in the bottle though, so I have hopes that we can stop that soon.

His likes right now are sleeping, eating, tummy time, sleeping on Daddy's chest and snuggling in the sling next to mommy. He dislikes getting his diaper changed before eating.

Felix is 4 weeks old today.

1 comment:

Michele said...

So wonderful to hear about his 4 week check-up and to hear that he's growing like a champ. Will schedule some time this week for some more snuggly time. Love you guys! xoxo