Monday, October 20, 2008


After a helluva time trying to figure out the Spanish transportation system we were on our way to Toledo. The heart of Catholic Spain and a very beautiful city. It is in the state of Castilla La Mancha of Don Quixote fame. The city is walled and on a cliff and is easily walkable. They wanted $13US each to see the church which seemed ridiculous especially after seeing a pile of chuches in Italy (including St. Peter's) for free.

We spent most of the day strolling around the hilly city taking photos and just relaxing. A bunch of chess sets were being sold in stores and we ended up picking up a travel set. After walking around all day we were beat and picked up some Manchego cheese (from this region) and local wine and brought it back to our room. We hadn't seen the room yet and we weren't sure if we wanted to take the food back and eat it there. Brooke was apprehensive especially after the crap hole in Salamanca. I joked that maybe it has a balcony and a view over the city. We laughed at the preposterousness of that remark until we got to the room and it did have a balcony that did overlook part of the city. Yeaah.

That morning we had some breakfast in a cafe and noticed not for the first time that people were drinking. Some municipal workers were having some breakfast beers to start their day. We have seen others drink in the morning too. All types of people, from businessman in suits having a glass of wine to city workers having a few this seemed real common. Something that is so taboo in our society but very normal here.
Later on our way to see the synagouge (one of only 3 left in Spain after the inquisition got through with their work) we ran into a flea market. These markets are always fun and we never miss a chance to stroll through one to see what is for sale. I noticed a particularly bulked up Spanish guy (not a common sight) with two middle aged women around him giggiling. As I peered a little closer I saw that he was trying to sell them the firemans calendar. This made us giggle too.


Mrs. G said...

Mmmmmm... Breakfast Beer!

pfb said...

I'll have what she's having. (The beer, not the calendar.)